Staff members on Protobit help us ensure a fair experience for all players, and watch players for bad behaviours. They have permission to inflict punishments on players if they believe that a player is breaking the rules, or making other's experiences worse.
The Operator team is made up of 3 people that are the owners of Protobit. They help administer the server, develop and update new or existing features, and cover the costs of the services. They routinely have meetings to discuss the future plans of Protobit, and various events that occur on the server.
Operators have the final say in all decisions that are made on Protobit. Most of the decisions are put to a poll, and only succeed if all Operators agree to the decision.
Moderators are volunteers that help keep stability and a fair playing ground on Protobit. They moderate players, monitor chat, and help to resolve issues that players occur. Moderators are instructed to mention issues or events that happen on Protobit to the Operators.
Helpers are players nominated by Operators or Moderators. They are volunteers that aim to help new players, and report issues raised by players to Moderators or Operators. They do not have permission to apply punishments to players, and instead have to contact a Moderator or an Operator for help.
- There are no current Helpers on Protobit.
Former Staff Members
The following people have previously been on the Protobit staff team.
- User:Cheeseit09 - Operator
- User:Orion - Helper