We may refrain offering our services to you if you have multiple infractions of breaking these rules or are committing crimes on our servers
If we receive reports of any real world crimes taking place on our server, we are required by law to report all the information we have on hand to the local authorities, as outlined in our Privacy Policy.
General Rules:
These rules generally apply everywhere, they don’t cover gamemode-specific rules though.
- Don’t be an asshole
- Broad term for don’t be misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, or anything of that nature. TL;DR: Be nice, most of the time.
- Try to not act hostile, even if you get provoked into it.
- Trolling or Flaming is not allowed in any circumstance.
- Don’t do malicious conduct as a “Revenge” to another player’s actions, it will not help you in any way at all.
- Try to not interact in disputes or arguments if possible.
- Don’t bully or humiliate anyone.
- If you have personal problems with somebody, open up your social menu and block them.
- Broad term for don’t be misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, or anything of that nature. TL;DR: Be nice, most of the time.
- Be “of age”
- As per our Privacy Policy, we do not allow anyone 12 and below to play on Protobit.
- Please do not joke about being underage, we take this very seriously.
- You may get your playerdata wiped and account softbanned until your of legal age if this is your ban reason
- If you are also within the Beeper-OS Discord server, you will be banned off of there and also reported to Discord T&S.
- As per our Privacy Policy, we do not allow anyone 12 and below to play on Protobit.
- Try to keep certain topics out of chat
- Such as: Politics, religion in certain contexts, acts of violence outside of Minecraft, venting, suicide or Self-Harm (Please seek help outside of this server), and other serious topics.
- Try to act decent in your chat, skin, builds, etc. Suggestive content is up to the discretion of a staff member.
- Don’t cheat
- Using hack clients, XRay, Baritone, etc to gain an advantage is not allowed. There may be exceptions granted by the Operators such as if your using it to hunt bugs as a tester.
- Exploits (also known as Bug Abuse) is not allowed, please report it to an Operator privately.
- Respect decisions made by the Staff Team
- They’re doing their job, if you have any concerns or would like to contest the decision, please DM an Operator, and do not argue or harass anyone from the team.
- If the majority of the Operators agree to decline your appeal, it is final and cannot be changed.
- Trying to rule lawyer yourself out of a punishment will not work.
- These rules are a suggestion on what not to do, The Operators or Staff may perform punishments on you for any reason at any time if they think your actions are inappropriate.
- No Automation or Information Revealing modifications
- Using autoclickers, certain mods like Litematica Printer, various macroing software, etc are generally not allowed. If you have mods that reveal information that may grant a major advantage against an unmodded player, try finding a version of that mod that offers a “Fair Play” version or turning off the offending module.
- Please don’t minimod
- You may guide players or remind them of server rules but leave it to a Staff Member if tensions escalate.
- Do not impersonate being a member of the Staff Team or an Operator, this will be met with an immediate ban for safety reasons.
- Don’t advertise
- It’s alright if it’s within the topic of chat, but don’t advertise anything if that’s the sole reason.
- Don’t build Lag Machines or anything to overload our network
- Punishment evading is not allowed
Contact a Staff Member
If you have a concern of someone not following rules or acting really inappropriately, or tensions are escalating in chat, you can contact an Operator or someone from the Mod Team at any time.
Generally, you should only need to ping or message a member of the staff team once, try not to re-ping unless the problem is escalating or something needs extremely urgent attention.
If the staff member you tried to contact seems to be unresponsive, it is okay to contact another one who seems to be active. {% endhint %}
- PM an online helper or moderator with /w (user) (request)
- DM an Operator
- add link to separate page pls thank you :3 -void